
Hospital Wait Times – Code Swiftspace!

The hospital E.R. You may have personally experienced it or have heard stories from someone else. Wait times in many hospitals can be 7+ hours! With budget cuts, hospitals don’t have the resources for more staff or for expansions to allow for more beds. Nothing is worse than being placed on a bed in the hallway, you feel neglected or alienated in a stressful and often scary situation.

So what can be done? Many hospitals are opting have ‘pods’ or ‘cubicles’ to place less critical patients while triaged patients with more serious conditions are moved to appropriate rooms.

Swiftspace recently had stations installed at Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital in Los Angeles, CA. Our stations maintain the patient’s privacy while allowing nurses to monitor several patients at one time. The benefit of Swiftspace stations is their mobility, they don’t have to be a permanent installation and set up in available space and stored as needed.

Hospitals utilizing these pods save on renovation costs but more importantly enables hospital staff to process patients in a more dignified and humane atmosphere, in less time.

Now isn’t that better for everyone?

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