You’ll be hearing from a lot of CEO’s over the next few days and I understand that all the updates, news and emails overwhelming your inbox can be added stress. However, I want you to know that the Swiftspace team is still here and we are doing our best to help our community.
The team here is still committed to creating mobile, flexible, fully assembled furniture that can be set-up in minutes. Now more than ever, we have the opportunity to help those in medical facilities and we are eager to do so.
Below I have detailed what Swiftspace is doing to support not only our team but those working in healthcare as well.
1.The health of our employees, both physical and financial, is paramount
Since our team is so good at what they do, you likely didn’t notice the transition to them working from home starting on March 16th. We are still quoting, rendering and providing layouts as they are requested. We are business as usual, from the safety of our homes.
While orders are coming in, our production team is coming in only as needed. When they are in, they work in staggered shifts so they can maintain the minimum 6ft social distance.
We are committed to paying everyone throughout this pandemic.
2. We’ve streamlined our product offering to best help medical facilities
For the time being, we’ve selected products that we think will be most useful for the current climate. This includes our Vaccination Stations, Mobile walls, T-walls, L-walls, and nursing stations, these are already being used in healthcare facilities across the country. We’ve also just recently partnered with Trusscore to provide temporary modular wall systems. You can learn more about our current product offering here
3. A huge Thank You to all essential workers
Lastly, on behalf of myself and the team, I want to express our gratitude to anyone who is working the front lines and exposing themselves to COVID-19 on a daily basis. This includes grocery clerks, pharmacy teams and of course, our healthcare professionals. This is a frightening and uncertain time and they are continuing to do all they can to support us. We are so grateful and we applaud you!
We will continue to do our part to flatten the curve, and we hope you will too.
Be safe, be well and be kind. We are all in this together.

Rob Way, CEO
Swiftspace Inc.