Since I sent out our first update on March 16th I want you to know that the Swiftspace team has continued to do our best to help organizations that are providing essential services. Our commitment to creating mobile, flexible, fully assembled furniture that can be set-up in minutes has continued to be strong. Now more than ever, we have the opportunity to help those in medical facilities and we are eager to do so.
In the last update, we talked about what we are doing in the following areas to ensure that we are looking after the health of our employees, both physical and financial and providing a product offering in a time frame that will best help medical facilities.
In this message, I want to acknowledge the amazing effort of the Swiftspace Team and our suppliers who came together to produce privacy walls for the VA in Houston in just five days.

The effort was well worth it when we received this comment from our contact at the hospital
“Thank you so very much for this quick ETA. Our medical staff will be more than grateful knowing we can provide them some additional privacy and protection”
I want to finish off my update with the repeat of a message that deserves to be replayed many times a day. A huge Thank You to all essential workers.
On behalf of myself and the team, I want to continue to express our gratitude to those who continuously risk their lives every day in our hospitals, grocery stores, post offices, and other essential services. This is a frightening and uncertain time and yet they remain on the front lines to support us. Words are not enough to express our gratitude.
We will continue to do our part to flatten the curve, and we hope you will too.
Be safe, be well and be kind. We are all in this together.

Rob Way, CEO
Swiftspace Inc.