
Mobility in a Time of Stagnation

Mobility will be more important than ever during these uncertain times. The situation surrounding COVID-19 is changing and evolving but, the thing you can count on remaining constant is Swiftspace’s commitment to creating mobile, quick set-up healthcare solutions for all essential workers.

Our mobile treatment rooms, T-Walls and L-Walls can be used in a variety of settings. Ideal for hospitals and temporary clinics out Mobile Walls can also be used as partitions to maintain social distancing in other essential workplaces such as grocery stores and distribution centers.

People are mobile, so furniture solutions should be mobile too. 

Stay safe!
– The Swiftspace Team


Important Notice:

Due to recent hurricanes in the U.S., laminate availability and lead times may be impacted. 

Substitute laminates are available to maintain standard lead times

For assistance, please contact Kevin King

P: 519-896-5173 or email 

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